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Enjoy productivity
in a new universe

Every aspect of Artefact IDEA has been designed to maximize developer productivity.

Together, intelligent coding assistance and ergonomic design make development not only productive but also enjoyable.

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Deep intelligence

After Artefact IDEA has indexed your source code, it offers a blazing fast and intelligent experience by giving relevant suggestions in every context: instant and clever code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, and reliable refactoring tools.

Out-of-the-box experience

For a better experience, Artefact comes with tons of packages previously selected and installed to guarantee you an optimal result.

We provide you with platforms to create a better development framework.

Documentation: The official documentation of Artefact.

You can find detailed explanations on each of the objects, components and functionalities that Artefact makes available to you. As well as code examples for a better understanding.

Community platform: A platform around the world of Artefact.

Here you will find everything you need to work optimally with our IDE. This platform is a social network that offers you the possibility to create discussion groups and forums to exchange with other users and ask your questions, ...

About Us
At Artefact, code is our passion. For more than 5 years, we have been striving to create the most powerful and efficient development tool in the world. By automating routine checks and corrections, our tools accelerate production and allow developers to grow, discover and create.
Our Mission


We are making professional multiplatform development a more productive and enjoyable experience.

So we focus on the following points:

We help developers work faster by automating common, repetitive tasks to keep them focused on code design and overview.
We provide tools to explore and become familiar with code basics faster.
Our products allow you to easily take charge of the design at all stages of development and to spend less time on it.

“At is much more than a cross-platform software development kit: it's a technology strategy that lets you design, build, deploy, and manage software, applications, and websites quickly and cost-effectively while delivering a transparent user experience. all devices.

Product Featuress

It's fast

When it comes to software or Web development, time is really money. That's why At offers you a very productive JS infrastructure with libraries, APIs and cross-platform tools for faster marketing.

It's easy

Simplify your life: The IDE and flexible, easy-to-use design tools include built-in controls and out-of-the-box features for efficient user interface design using drag-and-drop tools , object-oriented programming with ADL and JavaScript.

It's design oriented

The principle of ADL is to create objects that have a design, properties, signals and methods. These objects can later be used in other objects, which can also be used later and so on ...

It's Future-Proof

The requirements are still changing? No problem. At is open, expandable and modular. So you can create your own object or download for another from the store.

our solutions and environment

Realize responsive websites with the design of your choice without any limitation.

Delivers native performance across a wide range of operating systems with fast cross-platform development.

Reuse your At code in one application - everything you need, At works perfectly on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android and Windows-phone.

What makes At smarter?

Rapid prototyping, development and deployment: At you provides mature, complete and highly intuitive APIs, as well as a professional IDE with cross-platform and multi-compilation support, which improves the productivity of any project.

Ultimate performance, reliability and stability: You want simple and instant hardware integration, with zero overheads and complete optimization? At's Js + VueJs + (Electron - Phonegap) approach gives you total control over the code without compromising native performance. Let's hear that for JS!

IDE and UI tools for developers and designers: At lets you create fluid and responsive user interfaces using object-oriented scripting, imperative design, or hybrid development that can even include HTML5. You choose the design approach that best suits your project and your team.

productive Design

At has an object-oriented programming language and design, which allows you to create your own objects from already existing ones.

Our IDE is among the most sophisticated with options such as autocompletion, debugger, syntax check, etc ... and has been specifically designed to exploit the ADL as best as possible.

Our major asset is our designer, who thanks to the drag-and-drop allows you to position the objects as you want with precision. Making UIs has never been so easy.

More Features
In addition to all that has been presented above, At has other advantages to his sleeve such as:

Adder: An external dependency manager.

It allows you to add existing libraries and JavaScript framework to your project and use them directly.

MoonBase: the hosting service on the moon.

MoonBase is a set of hosting services for any type of application. It offers to host in NoSQL and in real time databases, content, social authentication, and notifications, or even services, such as for example a real-time communication server.

Get creative. It's up to you.

At user interfaces have a modern desktop look, but if you want a more personalized user interface, you can easily modify existing styles or create your own.

A technological independence in the test of time?

Join a thriving community of developers, business partners, contributors, and maintainers who already value open governance and direct development access to At - a transparent, platform - independent promise.

How we work

“Get started with Artefact.

Watch our video presentation of Artefact to get to know our IDE now.

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Our Creative Team

We are determined young people with an innovative vision.

Dannick Kwengang

Founder & CEO

Frank Mbouga

Sale director

Manuela Kuaguim

Web Developer

Maxime Tchangou

Customer Relations Manager

Willy Wakam

Customer Relations Manager

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